

The mahogany tree (Swietenia mahagoni) is a large tropical tree with a semievergreen growth habit. Mahogany trees produce broad, spreading growth with foliage that can span 50 feet in width and 75 feet in height at maturity. The mahogany is a tropical tree that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 10a through 11.


A mahogany tree’s foliage forms a roughly symmetrical, round canopy. Although the tree grows from a single trunk, the main trunk branches off into several large stems that spread out and up from the main trunk starting 4 to 8 feet above the ground. Mahogany trees have a moderate to fast rate of growth compared to other trees. It is a deciduous tree that drops its leaves late in the spring during dry weather. The leaves are quickly replaced, but a large tree can create a considerable amount of leaf litter.


The mahogany tree is usually propagated from seed. The seeds are formed in fruit that develop through the summer, fall and winter months. In late spring, around the time that the tree’s leaves drop, the fruit splits open into five sections. The fruits release winged seeds roughly 2 inches long that are dispersed into the area around the tree by the wind  Read More..